I had come to the retreat to find a solution to the problem I did not know. In three days of my journey, I realized that actually there is no problem at all. The only reason I could not find a solution was because the problem did not exist in reality. It was all in my mind!
Shrishri Pandey, Delhi
Before coming to the retreat, I had five years of plan ready with me. Now looking back, I wonder how could I think that I would continue to love doing the same things for next five years. I realized that when I make such plans I put lots of pressure on myself to achieve them irrespective of my love for them. It snatches peace away from me. Now I just wish to focus on present and want to do what I love doing.
Vikas Ranga, Haryana
I feel this three day retreat has given me enough wisdom for now to be at peace with myself and follow my heart. Not just this, I feel the doors to my inner journey has been opened now, on which I wish to keep walking until I feel I am at total peace. Thank you for letting me know how important my life is and how unconsicously I was dealing with it.
Ritika Arora, Delhi
The retreat helped me to reaffirm that how important it is to actively seek out time for yourself away from the daily routine. even if that daily routine allows space for inner reflections!
Shruti Taneja, Solan