In modern times, most of the start-up organizations are founded with a solid social-impact vision in mind. Though being profitable or sustainable remains as one of the bottom lines, gone are the days now when businesses were launched by like-minded people only for the sake of making profits. In such times, while companies of the future are already striving for a better world, what can we do to take them one more step ahead?
How about a shift from ‘social impact’ to ‘inner growth’? What happens when an organization strives to create a working environment or culture so that its own people- founders as well as team members- grow from within while they are doing their work? Moreover, what happens when the same organization strives further to mould its own products or services in a way so that even its customers get a chance to grow from within while they use the offerings of the organization?
Culture for Inner Growth (CIG) is a program designed by Sahaj Foundation to facilitate the journey of start-up organizations in the same direction. The program attempts to apply the teachings of Indian wisdom traditions to transform the organizational culture so as to enable sadhana at the work space itself. The key tools used by the facilitator would be meditation, reflection and contemplation along with a number of audio/video resources, readings and case studies. In addition, over a period of 12 months, the facilitator also aims to offer a number of in-person sessions so as to understand and transform the organizational culture.
How about a shift from ‘social impact’ to ‘inner growth’? What happens when an organization strives to create a working environment or culture so that its own people- founders as well as team members- grow from within while they are doing their work? Moreover, what happens when the same organization strives further to mould its own products or services in a way so that even its customers get a chance to grow from within while they use the offerings of the organization?
Culture for Inner Growth (CIG) is a program designed by Sahaj Foundation to facilitate the journey of start-up organizations in the same direction. The program attempts to apply the teachings of Indian wisdom traditions to transform the organizational culture so as to enable sadhana at the work space itself. The key tools used by the facilitator would be meditation, reflection and contemplation along with a number of audio/video resources, readings and case studies. In addition, over a period of 12 months, the facilitator also aims to offer a number of in-person sessions so as to understand and transform the organizational culture.
‘Inner Growth’ means to work at the level of our minds so as to first become aware of the afflictions that we have within us (such as anger, greed, lust, fear etc), and thereafter work diligently, at the level of mind itself, to transform these afflictions into love, compassion, empathy, gratitude, trust and surrender.
In a broad sense, one can say, ‘Inner Growth’ means to become a better human being, or, alternatively, it means to resolve our inner conflicts to eventually become a calm, peaceful, relaxed and joyous human being.
In a broad sense, one can say, ‘Inner Growth’ means to become a better human being, or, alternatively, it means to resolve our inner conflicts to eventually become a calm, peaceful, relaxed and joyous human being.
- You will become calm, relaxed and effective in your work.
- You will be able to see through your own patterns and will be able to transform them for your professional growth.
- You will be able to find your ikigai, and improve your Emotional Quotient (EQ).
- You will be able to connect with your colleagues, customers and larger society at human level.
- You will be able to look at the world at systems level, so as to figure out the root causes of the social issues. Hence, your work shall not be temporary, but have long-lasting impact!
As the members of an organization become more aware of themselves and their humanity within, the organization naturally tends to benefit in numerous ways:
- Growth: It not only grows faster, but also grows in the ‘right direction’ so as to benefit all of its stakeholders along with larger society and environment.
- It becomes a vehicle for collective and personal transformation. It enables Sadhna at the workplace itself!
- It becomes a source of the solution (rather than that of the problem) for the most pressing issues of modern societies, such as wealth inequality, climate change, human well-being etc.
- It weaves ‘the story of oneness/unity’ in the society, while overcoming the story of separate-ness (a change in worldview/perception).
For a period of 12 months, the program aims to transform the following (as per the willingness of the team members):
- Team members’ clarity [creating an Attention Revolution], Emotional Quotient and performance
- Interpersonal relationships among team members and with suppliers or partners
- Physical ambience, Processes, Practices and by-laws of the organization
- Ownership structure, Management Hierarchies and Organizational Constitution
- Goods and Services provided by the organization as per the customers’ or society’s requirements.
Though we expect this entire program to run for 12 months, we are willing to experiment with interested organization teams for one month (around 4 weeks) before we jump to a long-term commitment. Our schedule for the proposed one month duration would be to meet online every day (five or six days a week) for about 45-60 minutes long session. The online sessions will include:
Kindly note that these sessions shall remain organization specific and shall invite all members (suggested, not compulsory) of an interested organization to participate. The timings of the sessions are flexible and shall be decided as per the convenience of the organization team. Startup Organizations with team strength of 5-50 are encouraged to apply for the program.
- Meditation sittings (around 20 mins; all weeks)
- Reflection based questions (week 1 & 2)
- Case Studies/video resources (week 2 & 3)
- Action Projects for organizational change/transformation (week 4)
Kindly note that these sessions shall remain organization specific and shall invite all members (suggested, not compulsory) of an interested organization to participate. The timings of the sessions are flexible and shall be decided as per the convenience of the organization team. Startup Organizations with team strength of 5-50 are encouraged to apply for the program.
The program aims to use the following resources as its reference during the course of execution:
- [Book] ‘Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage in Human Consciousness’ by Frederic Laloux
- [Book] ‘Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World’ by Brian J Robertson
- [Tool] ‘The common Good Balance Sheet’ developed by ‘Economy for Common Good’ movement
We would like to invite an organization to contribute on Gift Economy basis, as per the willingness of their heart. From our side, kindly consider Rs 30,000 – Rs 50,000 as the suggested range of contribution for the whole month for all participants of the interested organization.
Ashish Kumar
Ashish graduated from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee in the field of Electrical Engineering in 2009. Post studies, he pursued his corporate career for a few years before deciding to move on to his passion to work with rural communities. Since then, Ashish has lived in the villages of Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh and worked for many rural projects related to Education and Livelihood sector. Before founding Sahaj Foundation in 2013, he also worked with Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi to help set up their ‘Centre for Innovative Technologies in Himalayan Region’.
Presently, Ashish lives a simple and peaceful life in Bir village situated in Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh. He has chosen Education as his primary medium of service while he continues to explore more on organic farming and holistic healing with an aim to simplify his lifestyle and benefit the society as much as possible.
For past four years, Ashish has been conducting many dialogues and workshops on the theme of 'Rethinking Development'. He has so far facilitated such processes for hundreds of professionals and students. He strongly believes that there is a need to create spaces wherein people can develop their abilities to go deep within and understand/serve the world by tapping into their own experiences. This ‘Culture for Inner Growth’ program is his effort to do just that!
Presently, Ashish lives a simple and peaceful life in Bir village situated in Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh. He has chosen Education as his primary medium of service while he continues to explore more on organic farming and holistic healing with an aim to simplify his lifestyle and benefit the society as much as possible.
For past four years, Ashish has been conducting many dialogues and workshops on the theme of 'Rethinking Development'. He has so far facilitated such processes for hundreds of professionals and students. He strongly believes that there is a need to create spaces wherein people can develop their abilities to go deep within and understand/serve the world by tapping into their own experiences. This ‘Culture for Inner Growth’ program is his effort to do just that!
Ashish Kumar | Founder Director | Sahaj Foundation | +91 88948 93083