I realized that my happiness should be a reflection of what I feel for myself and not what others think of me. Also, I watched what I think and found that nothing lasts forever. Change is bound to happen when the right time comes. I learnt to let go of the past and stop predicting my future.
Priyanka Rana, Delhi
I realized that all actions don’t need to be overthought. The thoughts and energy that I put out, I only receive those in return.
Anubhav Razdan, Delhi
This retreat has cleansed my mind and my soul. I am feeling very light. I learned a lot of new things about myself, my drawbacks which I had no courage to face earlier. Now I have made a promise to myself that I will see the positive in every situation and will be more patient to face anything.
Ruchica Manaktala, Delhi
I started this journey with many confusions and conflicts within me. With the experiences that I gathered here and reflections on the same brought a change within me. I really met myself which I never did. When I came I had tears of sorrow and when I am going I have tears of happiness. This is the change. It’s magical.
Jyoti Vershney Tiwari, Delhi
I learnt living a happy and peaceful life is so easy if one really want and knows him/herself. I need to gather courage, have faith in myself and forgive others to be happy. I have realized in meditation that accepting and loving myself are key to happy and peaceful life. Living in the present and having no regrets will make my life easier.
Eliza Gupta, Delhi
In first two days, I felt that I am learning and exploring some new things that will have some change in my life ahead but still I find my questions to be unanswered. But at the end of the 3rd day I was totally in peace because now I knew answers to all my questions, I understood even the reason for having those questions at first. Now at the end of 4 days journey of peaceful living retreat, the trust and faith I lost on myself is BACK, and so am I!
Mamta Rawat, Delhi
I need to spend time with myself to listen to my heart. I learnt to surrender myself to the Universe while thinking of impermanence. I also realized that I just need to be and go with the flow.
Ashish Kumar, Chennai